Monday, April 30, 2012

86 - Mabait's Spideys and Capts

Aside from ironmans Mabait too is a spidey and capt. A fan.  If this guy still have these minimates and have continued to update these....these would be a sight that WOWs! =)

85 - Spider Sense

Spidey fan... Spidermon's Black suited Spidey and venom. hmmm im still in page 35. hehehe!

84 - Artzy's Tony Stark

Capt A: If you remove your armor what are you?

Tony S.: Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist!

This pic seems to fit that discription..... Hehehe!

83 - Mabait's Armory

Another Armory by Mabait of PTK

updated on page 38....


82 - Squallwork's Exclusive latest WIP

the one who commissioned this will be rockin' when its done!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

81 - Quinjet

I WANT TO HAVE ONE! Enough said. 

here see it in flight mode. Jump

80 - The Avengers vs Loki

The Avengers

Is now on cinemas, however the minimates figs are still to come but,  this pic by Bryan Mark German is Awesome!  More pics Brydol! =)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


If there is a photo contest, I will not bother joining if this is one of the entries! 

Squallwork's Exclusives in action

78 - BloodAxe

Our friendly neighborhood customizer Les Koting a.k.a.Squall have been busy, and as a result he has outdone himself and did it again in creating BloodAxe Minimate.

here see it for yourself.

more pix after the jump. Squallworks

77 - Saber VS Wolvie

Spot the difference: By: Jhambhitz

76 - Zapzuu's Armored Avenger

It's Zapzuu again and his armored avenger.  Awesome Pics, Awesome Collection of IMs.

Tony S.: Hail Hydra! hehehe! Me and my brother was watching Capt. America the First Avenger, its just a spur of the moment. hehehe!

Still I want the Updated One....Pic to follow I'm sure! Paging Zapzuu!!! =)

75 - Fallen Fing Fang Foom

Here another ZapZuu's early post.  Minimates IM vs BAF FFF.

boy, you got to love minimates with this pics. hehehe.

74 - One of the Early BI pics (hehehe)

ZAPZUU's Armory

This is one of the early post in the Marvel Minimates Thread of PTK (Pinoy Toy Kolektors).  Zap, if you read this post, request on your updated minimate armory. I'm sure it would be a sight to behold.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

73 - Squallworks Exclusive Thor

Our friendly neighborhood customizer have done it again.

Want one? contact squall . see more pics after the jump . Squallworks Exclusive Thor

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

72 - Fantastic Plastic

When I saw this, I was speechless. Tulo Laway Ko.  One word came out of my mouth, I said WOW!

Pics and collection by Joe Dy

love the Dio set.  Love the Sentinel. Awesome!  more pics after the jump. Joe Dy's Minimates

Monday, April 16, 2012


One way of  having alot of minimates is to buy multiple man. hehehe.. Well I really don't like the multiple man costume. so I did a little quick custom with the help of my extra prof. X body. retained the coat which is the only thing I like about the released version. And wala!, multiple man.

70 - Here, Take a card!

Here let me share my new computer wallpaper. It's a remake of Advocate Pinoy's MS Gambit photo posted on FB Toy Photography.  Here is my Minimate Version.

69 - Capt. A vs Cycee

When it comes to taking minimate pics. His works is a standout, here is another pure awesomeness by Bryan Mark German of Pinoy Minimate Kolektors.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Every Pinoy Minimate Colletor seem to have a single team on their collection like Drachirenuj's Venoms that you see here in this pic. I guess its cool to have it that way, in a way one is concentrated on a single character. Making collecting more interesting. But for me, I want to have it alllllllllll!!!!!! hehehehe!


Whose pic is this again? update this later.


a BOXSET full of DPs. I still don't have it. It took me a while to have my series 23 Deadpool.   I guess it would be forever, before I would have more DPs.  Its good that John Sayson have this pic. I'll just enjoy viewing their pic for the mean time. hehehe :D

63 - AVX BI Pic

Bryan Mark German have done it again, Avengers VS X-men Minimates,
DST will be thinking of having a new series.  hehehe!

Monday, April 9, 2012

62 - Uncanny X - Force

Uncanny X - Force
By: Oneng Sales

I have the whole summer to do this, back tracking and posting pics,  Pinoy Power


In the movie Ironman,  Mark 5 made every viewer say WOW! The cinematic effect on that scene was astounding.  Well thats my opinion.  Back in the days, a few days after that block buster movie, Lester  Koting A.K.A Squall. created a hilarious remake of this scene, (well sort off),  using of course minimate Mark 5.... click Jump to see what I mean....=)

60 - Reverse Engineering

When it comes to skits, this too gave me good giggle.  full story after the jump. Jump By: Squall