Sunday, November 25, 2012

256 - Prof. X.

This is more like it.  Thanks to Fellow Collector, Leifredh Jan Fernandez for letting this one go.  And now its in my minimates world. hehehe!

255 - 90's Cyclops

                                From this.

                                To this

yepeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =) 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

254 - Once you pop u can't stop!

When you start buying this little can't promise anything.

This pic is a proof. 

Jarren Imperial said to himself, I just want the Avengers big 4.

heard that before.....hehehe!

well, what do u know....! 
by: Jarren Imperial

253 - X-men

here is the Minimates version courtesy of Jameel Biteranta A.K.A. Jhambhitz 

252 - Hail! Hydra!

Collection and Pic by: Doc Endo

DP: Is it not red be your favorite color????

RS: youuuuuu! d#%^b pr#^$%k!!!!

yayksss....m in the wrong army! 

251 - A smile on a Harley

By: Ronald Sanchez

Hey Bub!?....Lyke ma.. ride? ....


Its a secret no more... minimate version


Monday, November 19, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

246 - X-MEN ROYALE (ver2.0)

Early this morning I posted in the PMK page on facebook, asking the members to post BI pics, cause alot of members I think have new set of minimates. True enough this afternoon before the sun set and made the skies of the Pearl of the Orient dark, my wish was granted. By no less than the General himself, ONENG SALES when he posted the Ultimate BI pics. X-men Royale ver2.0

Awesome X-men collection, the Massive Army, The Cool action shots, The Creative diorama, The Astounding Photography....what more could you ask for...

 X-MEN ROYALE (ver2.0)
Collection and Photo by: ONENG SALES

That there is my Favorite. Infected Wolvi swarmed by brood army.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

245 - Be Infected...

 Brood Minimates.. Wave 47

Coollection and Pic by: Benz Lumbuan

244 - Hawk Eye Romanov

Avengers assemble.. TRU Ex here... Photo and collection by: Brittany Araneta

Saturday, November 10, 2012

243 - My X - men Updates

I still need the 90's Storm and Cyclops.....and some cash to buy it! hahaha!


Tricked by Mastermind into believing she was a member of the Hellfire Club, Jean Grey (secretly the Phoenix Force) became their new Black Queen - causing the Phoenix within to become even more dangerous. (


Swingin' in the closet....

Friday, November 9, 2012


A must have, that I have and you should have. do you have? If you don't have? 
You should have! 
Boy What am I having? hehehe!


As Leifred would like to describe it.  Fastball Speciall. hehehe!! Inspired by the pic of Brittany, I made my own Fastball.  This time with Colossonaut and Wolvi!.


Series 47 have landed in the Philippine Islands. It's now available @ Comic Odyssey and Pinoy Minimates Kolektors (collectors) have their Wolverines infected...

Pic and Collection by: Leifredh Jan Fernandez

237 - RHINO

I just want to say. This Rhino is a must have....

Photo and collection by: Joe's Minimates

 Rhino, from Marvel TRU series 14


I like viewing minimates portraying the different parts of a movie scene, glad to have made one about "puny god scene" with Hulk and Loki. from the movie avengers. I also like what I did in with the gif. image you see in this site, about Hulk and Thor still from the avengers movie. I wonder what scene would I be shooting next. hehehe. But I am glad to know that I am not alone...hehehe. cause on Joe's minimates on facebook. I saw this...

By: Joe's Minimates

Thursday, November 8, 2012


one picture for now... more soon....

234 - RYU

Ready for new action.  RYU of capcom.  On of my favorite characters.  I use to play street fighter on video games. With his upper cut nothing could stand on his way. Hadoken!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

233 - My Avengers

Finally, I got my very own avengers minimates. Big thanks to friends and fellow minimates collectors, Les Koting and Oneng Sales of PMK. who helped me assemble my own Avengers.

232 - puny god

I always wanted to have a pic of this scene, but with minimates of course. hehehe! I could not find a suitable hair though, so I tried with loki's head gear. glad Gen. Oneng helped me acquire a loki, to make this shot possible.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

231 - Fire Away!

Cool pic w/ Ironman and his Proton Cannon. 

Photo and Collection By: Jeffrey Cruz

Saturday, November 3, 2012


By: Brittany Araneta

Glad I was able to contribute in making this cool shot by a fellow Pinoy Minimates Kolektor, 
Brittany Araneta. We traded minimates like a fastball from Manila to Davao. hehehe! 


One of my favorite Childhood cartoon characters. I always wanted to buy Lion -o. but still wasn't able to buy one. Maybe anytime soon. But for the mean time let me enjoy this picture shared 
by Ronald Sanchez of PMK