Saturday, July 29, 2023

Two birds in one stone

Custom time.  Well, as usual, this one is a custom by The Great Les Koting. AKA Squallworks.  another homecourt advantage guys.  If you want to commission one, just message him.  

I edited this pic using Adobe Photoshop. Layering method.  From a pic I got from google.  Took a photo of my Space Ghost Minimates and cropped the background then layered it with the Space Ghost Wallpaper.  I did some retouches by using the cloning tool, copy tool then used filters for the final picture.  

Still trying to learn how to use the software, so much to learn. and what better way to practice my editing skills. Play time for me at the same time learniing from it.   Hitting two birds in one stone so to speak.  

This may not be perfect.  so much to improve on.  But I know what I like.  


No follow or subscribe buttons here, but it would be awesome if you leave a comment.  Thanks Guys!! Cheers!! 




hi guys! I just can't think of a title for this. hehehe! 

you may suggest. comment down below. 

Thanks for viewing! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023



well today when I opened my FB account that pic above always pops - up.  made me ask, is this movie showing already? I'm not aware of the showing movies these days.  But this pic keeps showing up.  and so an Idea sparks on this brain of mine.  sknit!! hehehe

downloaded the pic.  made it as a layer, duplicated it and took pics of the Minimates that I have of these characters. and alakazammmmm!!

Honey! I shrunk Deadpool and Wolverine! hehehe!!

What's your minimates Movie Scene. Tag me. share it! or comment below. 

again...this is not much. BUT I KNOW WHAT I LIKE!! 

Saturday, July 8, 2023



anyone here like me? always bringing  Minimates? well as for me, I always do.  and when I have a chance I take a photo of it and edit later. hehehe.  This is an example of it.  This one is from a local Cafe.  Photoshoped the laser beam.  Comment below, let me know if you're doin' the same.  It may not be much.  But We Know what we like!! Right?!!! till the next post!! wezzzhhtttt wezzhhht!!